Tags : Canada visa, Student visa, Study in Canada, Visitor visa, 加拿大學生簽證, 加拿大旅遊簽, 加拿大留遊學, 加拿大簽證
Author : peter
加拿大 College 申請時間
高中或大學畢業甚至是出社會後,有出國進修的打算? 加拿大 學院近年來非常受到國際學生歡迎,也吸引了許多台灣學子前來就讀,不只是因為學費較普通大學更能讓人負擔,也因為注重實際應用的教學方向使得公立學院College成為畢業後進入職場的橋梁!以下將為你介紹 公立學院College 申請時間 ,以及你需要提前多久開始做準備!也對未來有移民規劃的學生,更加清楚自己的時程規劃!
加拿大 College DLI分類
加拿大 留學的你知道 DLI 有分 Public College ( 公立學院 ) 和 Private College ( 私立學院 ) 嗎?
Designed Learning Institution (DLI) 是指 加拿大 移民局認可的「指定教育機構」。加拿大 各省份和地區批准和授權管理國際學生學習的教育機構, 其中包括 加拿大 的小學、高中、大學University、 學院 College 和 特殊機構等等。機構獲得合法許可,加拿大 政府支持通過 錄取通知書(LOA) 接受國際學生的在加拿大學習規劃。
加拿大 College 申請時間
公立學院College 學制
加拿大公立學院College 每年最多開學3次,開學月份比台灣多了一個5月,分別會在1月、5月、9月。而所提供的學歷不只有台灣人熟悉的文憑(Diploma),各大公立College也提供以下幾種學制:

其中以2年文憑(Diploma) 以及 1年學士後文憑(Post-Graduate Certificate) 最受台港學生的歡迎!
- 辦理學簽(Study Permit):2個月
- 公立學院College申請:平均2個月,1個月(最快),6個月(最慢)
※ 加拿大ADM專業顧問建議:至少要在開學前6個月遞交申請,才能確保流程順利;想更保險一點可以提前 6~8個月開始準備,遇到流程有誤或申請遭拒等才有解決時間。

加拿大熱門公立學院 College
公立學院 申請時間 範例時間軸

留學移民2+3 (一般國際學生)
2+3 留學移民方案,就是在加拿大就讀 2年 以上的公立學院College、大學或研究所,畢業後即可申請 3年的 畢業後工簽(Post-Graduate Work Permit)。但實際上,因為學制的不同,所以能取得的工簽長度也不一樣。然而只要 工作滿一年,透過 加拿大移民局 快速通道(Express Entry)-經驗類 移民 CEC申請,即可向加拿大政府遞出 移民申請。
↓救生艇 Stream A (只適用香港)

成功批獲PR|Stream A 讀書移民


🇨🇦 來自加拿大‧專辦加拿大。

🇭🇰 KEN
來 自 香 港 既 爸 爸 ,一 家 3 口 連 同 愛 犬 移 居 加 拿 大,掌 握 加 、港 兩 地 資 訊 ,為 你 同 家 人 提 供 最 佳 方 案 ,到 加 一 take 過!

擁 有 豐 富 的 加 拿 大 經 歷 、最 懂 學 生 的 需 求 !曾 為 學 簽 / 工 簽 持 有 者 、順 利 拿 楓 葉 卡 !立 即 諮 詢 了 解 加 拿 大 留 學 大 小 事 !

We're in Vancouver‧Calgary‧Toronto
🇨🇦 聯 邦 移 民 局 持 牌 顧 問 團 隊

加拿大 college 申請時間
(HEADING 6)Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work.
- Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please.
- The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it.
- She failed freshman English.
- Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English.
- Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip.
(HEADING 6)Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work.
- Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please.
- The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it.
- She failed freshman English.
- Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English.
- Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip.
(HEADING 6)Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work.
- Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please.
- The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it.
- She failed freshman English.
- Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English.
- Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip.
(HEADING 6)Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work.
- Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please.
- The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it.
- She failed freshman English.
- Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English.
- Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip.
(HEADING 6)Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work.
- Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please.
- The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it.
- She failed freshman English.
- Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English.
- Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip.
(HEADING 6)Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work.
- Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please.
- The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it.
- She failed freshman English.
- Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English.
- Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip.