入境加拿大 最新規定:
11/4 加拿大的入境規則更新,從2020年11月21日起開始執行,入境者仍需自我隔離14天,並且每日回報COVID-19症狀自我評估。

入境加拿大的人可以下載 ArriveCAN app,但是如果入境者未在登機入境加拿大使用它,則14天隔離期間都需要每天撥打COVID-19熱線1-833-641-0343(隔離期間免費電話)回報身體狀況。
入境加拿大 需要準備什麼?
透過ArriveCAN提供:旅行資訊及個人聯繫資訊、14天隔離計畫、COVID-19症狀自我評估,並出示ArriveCAN receipt給邊境人員。
ArriveCAN 使用方法請看這篇:2020 入境加拿大成功分享: 需要準備哪些文件?
入境加拿大 後
- 入境者需透過ArriveCAN確認在進入加拿大48小時內,入境者已抵達檢疫或隔離地點,並完成每日COVID-19症狀自我評估。
- 如果一開始進入加拿大前未使用ArriveCAN者,只能撥打1-833-641-0343告知每天的隔離自我評估狀況,無法恢復使用ArriveCAN。
- 只是轉機過境者不需使用ArriveCAN提供資訊。

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入境加拿大 最新規定:
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither) not only (this) but also (that)as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact
入境加拿大 最新規定:
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither) not only (this) but also (that)as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact
入境加拿大 最新規定:
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither) not only (this) but also (that)as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact