加拿大打工度假申請 IEC
- 收到邀請信內十天要開始申請。
- 開始申請後的20天內要上傳所需文件。
- 繳費後30天完成生物辨識。
- POE會有一年入境期限。
加拿大打工度假申請 IEC
1. 首先進入CIC官網,會看到以下畫面,往下拉點選Continue to GCKey
2. 登入GCKey帳號及密碼,點選「Sign In」。
3. 看到歡迎訊息,點選「Continue」。
4. 點選「I Accept」。
5. 回答自己之前設定的安全問題,點選「Continue」。
6. 登入自己的帳號後,點選Check full application status看申請狀態。
進入後會看到Days left to submit,總計有10天的時間決定是否要參加 打工度假,否則將失去資格!如要選擇參加,點選「Start application」進入申請,之後將有20天的時間上傳資料。
Hot tip:
小心!不要按到「Decline invitation」,否則將會被移出候選池內,不管是同年度或者以後再想參加都需要重新申請喔!
7. 之後會看到 eService 的頁面,需要點選所有「Continue form」並完善其中所需資料,四個表單依次是:
- 個人申請資料(Personal detail of applicant)
- 聯絡資訊(Contact information)
- 工作及教育細節(Work and education details)
- 申請資料細節(Application details)
加打 四大表單填寫教學
加拿大打工度假申請 IEC
表單一:個人申請資料(Personal detail of applicant)
1. 第一部分 – 姓名
第一格填寫 姓氏
第二格填寫 名字
2. 第二部分 – 個人資訊
3. 第三部分 – 婚姻狀況
(已婚Married / 分居Legally Separated / 離婚Divorced / 無效婚姻 Annulled Marriage / 配偶死亡Widowed / 同居Common-Law / 未婚單身 Never Married/Single)
4. 第四部分 – 語言
第一格填寫第一語言 – Mandarin
5. 第五部分 –身分證資訊
第三格選擇發照國家 – Taiwan
第六格是詢問是否有身份證明文件,依個人選擇 YES/NO
第九格選擇發照國家 – Taiwan
第十二格詢問是否持有美國永久居民身份(綠卡),依個人選擇 YES/NO
6. 第六部分 – 居住歷史紀錄
第一格詢問現在是在哪個國家居住 – 依個人狀況選擇
第二格詢問你是哪一個國家的永久居民 – 選擇Taiwan
第三格詢問最近五年內是否有居住在除台灣以外其他國家超過六個月 – 選擇NO,如果選YES則須提供國家
第四格選擇你是哪國居民 – 選擇 Taiwan
第五格詢問是否曾經申請或是持有加拿大簽證,例如 eTA,工作簽證或是學生簽證,依個人狀況選擇YES/NO
第七個如果你現在持有任何加拿大的簽證,就必須填寫簽證上的UCI 或eTA號碼,如未持有則不需填寫
加拿大打工度假申請 IEC
表單二:聯絡資訊(Contact information)
1. 第一部分 – 通訊語言
第一格是選擇語言,這個語言選擇會影響加拿大政府所寄給你的所有訊息 – 請選擇English,完成後請點選「Next」進入下一步
2. 第二部分 – 電子郵件
3. 第三部分 – 電話號碼
第一格選擇電話號碼類型 – cellular
第二格選擇電話號碼的國家 – 依個人狀況選擇
完成後按下Save and add存檔
4. 第四部分 – 聯絡地址
第九格詢問收件地址是否與現居地址一樣 – 填寫YES/NO
如果相同則點選Save and exit進入下一步
表單三:工作及教育細節(Work and education details)
加拿大打工度假申請 IEC
表單四:申請資料細節(Application details)
1. 第一部分 – 申請細節
第一格詢問是否曾經參加過加拿大 打工度假 請選擇 – No
2. 第二部分 – 加拿大工作計畫
第一格填寫你的工作簽證類型 請填寫 – Working Holiday
第二格詢問是否要從事問題中的工作類別 – 請選NO
第三格詢問是否有參與學生的工作實習 – 請選NO
第四格詢問目前是否有與加拿大雇主簽署任何的工作合約或是工作實習合約 – 請選NO
3. 第三部分 – 背景資料問題
依個人情況填寫後,點選Save and exit
4. 就會回到四大表單的畫面,都會顯示「Complete」的狀態。
1. 第一部分 – 家庭資訊
2. 第二部分 – 個人簡歷/履歷
3. 第三部分 – 護照內頁和資料
掃描護照內頁 (有照片以及有任何戳記的所有頁面),合併為一個PDF檔案後一起上傳 (線上合併PDF工具)。
4. 第四部分 – 大頭照電子檔
大小:35mm x 45mm (頭應介於32公分至36公分之間),像素:至少420 x 540,解析度:600pixel以上。
5. 第五部分 – 體檢證明
6. 第六部分 – 良民證
7. 第七部分 – 個人補充資料
1. 第一部分 – 個人聲明及數位簽名
2. 第二部分 – 下拉頁面,點選「I agree」填入自己的護照名與護照姓,回答之前設定的安全問題,點選「Sign」
3. 第三部分 – 再次確認個人聲明及數位簽名
4. 第四部份 – 點選「I agree」,後點選「Transmit and pay」
5. 第五部份 – 付款方式
However, transition words can also be placed at the beginning of a new paragraph or sentence – not only to indicate a step forward in the reasoning, but also to relate the new material to the preceding thoughts.
she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.
付款完成後,會收到Biometrics Collection Letter。需在30天內至各地VAC壓指紋拍照。申辦生物辨識可以查看我們的申請教學。
⚠️ 加拿大簽證申請政策 ⚠️
《 加拿大ADM留學移民領導品牌 》為加拿大本地最大留學移民機構,於溫哥華 , 多倫多與卡加利均有辦事處,多倫多總部擁有50位職員,開通13國部門市場,強大移民顧問團隊,專業的簽證團隊,協助留學移民一站式服務深受業界肯定。ADM並於2020/2021年接受蘋果日報、星島日報,蘋果動新聞專訪,深受台灣人以及香港人肯定。
🇨🇦 來自加拿大‧專辦加拿大。
⭐加拿大留學如何進行 ?⭐
🇭🇰 KEN
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We're in Vancouver‧Calgary‧Toronto
🇨🇦 聯 邦 移 民 局 持 牌 顧 問 團 隊
hello welcome to admission 打工度假 hub
However, transition words can also be placed at the beginning of a new paragraph or sentence – not only to indicate a step forward in the reasoning, but also to relate the new material to the preceding thoughts.
she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.
hey how you 打工度假 doing
However, transition words can also be placed at the beginning of a new paragraph or sentence – not only to indicate a step forward in the reasoning, but also to relate the new material to the preceding thoughts.
she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.
she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she
hello welcome to admission hub
However, transition words can also be placed at the beginning of a new paragraph or sentence – not only to indicate a step forward in the reasoning, but also to relate the new material to the preceding thoughts.
she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.
regular checking doen't
However, transition words can also be placed at the beginning of a new paragraph or sentence – not only to indicate a step forward in the reasoning, but also to relate the new material to the preceding thoughts.
she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.she wants to be happy, but she is sad.
look out there is 打工度假 something
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
ughhh almost 打工度假 there
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
Add Your Heading Text Here
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.