加拿大 推留學生 創業移民通道 +特別簽證
加拿大 推出 創業移民通道,過去對於很多在加拿大留學的學生來說,移民是一個需要消耗大量時間又不見得拿得到的身份。以前最簡單的留學生移民申請通道就是加拿大魁北克省的PEQ,會法語能畢業就可以申請,甚至還能在拿到畢業證書提前半年就遞交!
創業移民通道 的申請流程和其他移民類型也比較類似,遞交了意向的留學生將進入打分系統進行打分,超過要求分數就可以拿到邀請,正式申請移民。
① 高級工作經驗:申請者必須要6個月以上的高級管理、企業主、創業計劃課程經驗,證明其創業能力
② 學歷門檻:申請者必須是在愛伯塔省本地學校上課的國際留學生,且就讀全日制課程至少2年,就讀機構必須得到艾伯塔省政府官方承認
③ 工簽:遞交意向申請時,申請者必須持有至少2年有效的畢業工簽
④ 語言:雅思至少CLB7
⑤ 企業佔股: 申請人必須持有企業的34%以上股份,既可以是現有企業,也可以是自己創建的新建企業
🇨🇦 來自加拿大‧專辦加拿大。
🇭🇰 KEN
來 自 香 港 既 爸 爸 ,一 家 3 口 連 同 愛 犬 移 居 加 拿 大,掌 握 加 、港 兩 地 資 訊 ,為 你 同 家 人 提 供 最 佳 方 案 ,到 加 一 take 過!
擁 有 豐 富 的 加 拿 大 經 歷 、最 懂 學 生 的 需 求 !曾 為 學 簽 / 工 簽 持 有 者 、順 利 拿 楓 葉 卡 !立 即 諮 詢 了 解 加 拿 大 留 學 大 小 事 !
We're in Vancouver‧Calgary‧Toronto
🇨🇦 聯 邦 移 民 局 持 牌 顧 問 團 隊
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither) not only (this) but also (that)as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither) not only (this) but also (that)as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact