什麼是 加拿大 快速移民 EE?
作為門檻相對較低、辦理速度快的 加拿大 移民通道,Express Entry ( 快速移民 ,簡稱 EE ) 一直在留學生中擁有著很高的人氣。
Express Entry是2015年1月1日起執行的一種新的在線申請系統,任何人滿足一定條件後,都可以申請快速通道移民。



EE 近期趨勢

🇨🇦 來自加拿大‧專辦加拿大。

🇭🇰 KEN
來 自 香 港 既 爸 爸 ,一 家 3 口 連 同 愛 犬 移 居 加 拿 大,掌 握 加 、港 兩 地 資 訊 ,為 你 同 家 人 提 供 最 佳 方 案 ,到 加 一 take 過!

擁 有 豐 富 的 加 拿 大 經 歷 、最 懂 學 生 的 需 求 !曾 為 學 簽 / 工 簽 持 有 者 、順 利 拿 楓 葉 卡 !立 即 諮 詢 了 解 加 拿 大 留 學 大 小 事 !

We're in Vancouver‧Calgary‧Toronto
🇨🇦 聯 邦 移 民 局 持 牌 顧 問 團 隊

加拿大 快速移民 EE
either…or not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
after all in addition next also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless
not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
in addition next also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless
加拿大 快速移民 EE
either…or not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
after all in addition next also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless
not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
in addition next also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless