加拿大 移民 工作
加拿大 移民 工作 ,出國讀書並且在當地找工作都是許多留學生的目標,也是許多人出國前會考量的一個重要因素。目前要在 加拿大 工作 ,應該讀什麼專業科系?或是有什麼樣的工作適合自己呢?
以下這 15 個職業是由任仕達(Randstad)跨國人力資源諮詢公司統計數據得出,包含各行各業不同層級的職位。對於目前加拿大勞動力市場需求來說,具備相關技能或有意進行針對性學習的海外人士,後續無論是僱主擔保還是正常工作進行移民都是一大助力!
加拿大6/8 正式公布 港人移民 實施辦法!
香港人救生艇計劃 Hong Kong Pathway 被稱為是加拿大移民局IRCC給予港人史上最簡單、最容易的移民方案;為那些正在受迫害的香港人提供了一線希望和生機。
加拿大港人救生艇2 包括 Stream A :在加拿大畢業的香港留學生可直接申請移民; Stream B :在加拿大1年工作經歷可直接申請移民。
1、行銷助理 Sales Associate
行銷助理Sales Associate是2020年加拿大需求最大的工作。不論是任何企業都需要依靠氣巧高超的行銷人員將產品從貨架上賣到客戶手中。

2、司機 Driver
3、行政前台人員 Receptionist

4.、焊接工人 Welder
5、電腦工程師 Developer
6、商務擴展 Business Development
7、普通勞力 General Labourer
8、專案經理 Project Manager

9、重機技工 Heavy Duty Mechanic
⚠️ 加拿大簽證申請政策 ⚠️
10、商品採購 Merchandiser
11、電汽工程 Electrical Engineering
12、會計 Accountant

13、人力資源 Human Resource
14、理財顧問 Financial Advisor
16、護理師 Registered Nurse
:: 相關新聞參考 :: CBC News
救生艇 Stream A & B ⬇

🇨🇦 來自加拿大‧專辦加拿大。

🇭🇰 KEN
來 自 香 港 既 爸 爸 ,一 家 3 口 連 同 愛 犬 移 居 加 拿 大,掌 握 加 、港 兩 地 資 訊 ,為 你 同 家 人 提 供 最 佳 方 案 ,到 加 一 take 過!

擁 有 豐 富 的 加 拿 大 經 歷 、最 懂 學 生 的 需 求 !曾 為 學 簽 / 工 簽 持 有 者 、順 利 拿 楓 葉 卡 !立 即 諮 詢 了 解 加 拿 大 留 學 大 小 事 !

We're in Vancouver‧Calgary‧Toronto
🇨🇦 聯 邦 移 民 局 持 牌 顧 問 團 隊

加拿大 移民 工作
either…or not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
after all in addition next also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless
not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
in addition next also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless
加拿大 移民 工作
either…or not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
after all in addition next also incidentally nonetheless 加拿大 移民 工作as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless
not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
in addition next also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless
加拿大 移民 工作
either…or not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
after all in addition next also incidentally 加拿大 移民 工作nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless
not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
in addition next also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless
加拿大 移民 工作
either…or not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
after all in addition next also加拿大 移民 工作 incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless
not only…but (also) neither…nor both…and whether…or just as…so the…the as…as as much…as no sooner…than rather…than
in addition next also incidentally nonetheless as a result indeed on the contrary besides in fact on the other hand consequently in other words otherwise finally instead still for example likewise then furthermore meanwhile therefore hence moreover thus however nevertheless