多倫多 Mentora college 介紹
- 學院成立於2012年
- 語言課程以及co-op課程
- 位於多倫多市中心
- 小班制教學
- 教室環境新穎
- 學校官網
商業管理(Diploma in Business Administration Management)
- 學習全球商業環境
- 無論您想在公司工作還是自己創業,都需要獲得在本地和全球範圍內追求的技能
- 通過384小時的實習機會建立您的經驗與履歷
- 學校擁有具有許多業界經驗與實務經驗的老師
- 語言要求:IELTS 6.0
飯店管理(Diploma in Hotel Management)
- 獲得廣泛適用的酒店管理知識和技能
- 在酒店、旅遊、會議行業和有相關實務經驗的老師學習
- 與小班同同學和老師互動
- 在第三個學期中,具有384個小時的相關行業工作的實習機會,獲得更多在加拿大工作的經歷
- 語言要求:IELTS 6.0

Mentora college位於多倫多的市中心以及地鐵黃線上的Wellesley 站,走路從地鐵站步行至學校只需要1分鐘,方便學生上下課以及,課後打工或之後的實習

🇨🇦 來自加拿大‧專辦加拿大。

🇭🇰 KEN
來 自 香 港 既 爸 爸 ,一 家 3 口 連 同 愛 犬 移 居 加 拿 大,掌 握 加 、港 兩 地 資 訊 ,為 你 同 家 人 提 供 最 佳 方 案 ,到 加 一 take 過!

擁 有 豐 富 的 加 拿 大 經 歷 、最 懂 學 生 的 需 求 !曾 為 學 簽 / 工 簽 持 有 者 、順 利 拿 楓 葉 卡 !立 即 諮 詢 了 解 加 拿 大 留 學 大 小 事 !

We're in Vancouver‧Calgary‧Toronto
🇨🇦 聯 邦 移 民 局 持 牌 顧 問 團 隊

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多倫多 Mentora college
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither) not only (this) but also (that)as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact,
多倫多 Mentora college
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,
alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither) not only (this) but also (that)as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact,