港人移民加拿大 留學移民 救生艇 Stream A 讀書移民
🔥最新!香港人 加拿大救生艇移民方案出爐,詳細政策說明
加拿大6/8正式公布 港人移民 工簽與 香港留學生轉移民 救生艇辦法!

救生艇計劃 Hong Kong Pathway!Part 1 & Part 2
加拿大宣布3大放寬 港人移民 政策 Hong Kong Pathway ,新措施包括:
1. 過去10年大專畢業者可申請Open Work Permit工簽
加拿大政府因應 港區國安法 的實施,作為五眼聯盟之一的加拿大提出 香港人救生艇 Hong Kong Pathway,發放爲期3年的開放式工作簽證OWP。2021,2月8號開始申請。如獲批准,他們的配偶或伴侶以及子女也可申請一同前往加國。2023年2月6日(週一) 早上09:00,移民部長肖恩·弗雷澤 (Sean Fraser) 延長了OWP特殊移民計劃,該計劃擴大10年內完成學業,受過高等教育的香港居民在該國逗留和工作,有資格獲得許可證,並將該 Open Work Permit 計劃現在開放至 2025年2月7日。
2.港人移民加拿大救生艇 Stream A
3.港人移民加拿大救生艇 Stream B
在加拿大境內,累計工作滿一年(1560小時)專業技術類工作者,工作期間須持有開放式工作簽證(OWP / OSWP)。
香港人救生艇 政策 香港人救生艇 移民 港區國安法 港人移民 留學 Hong Kong Pathway 香港人 加拿大移民政策
加拿大新政策 Hong Kong Pathway 放寬 港人移民 門檻
加拿大移民部,針對香港實施《 港區國安法 》的局勢,決定推出新政放寬對香港人獲得加拿大永久居留的 港人移民 政策。加拿大移民部長 (Marco Mendicino) 表示:「這項宣布,是在一連串與加國關係密切的事態發展的背景下作出的。加拿大政府在中國《 港區國安法 》實施後,多次譴責中國政府,渥太華國會的加中關係委員會認為加拿大應向中國採取更強硬措施,特別放寬 港人移民 加拿大永久居留的門檻並加快審批港人的難民申請。」

(加拿大移民部長門迪奇諾 Marco Mendicino)
香港人救生艇 移民 香港人救生艇 讀書 港區國安法 港人移民 Hong Kong Pathway 留學 港區國安法 移民政策 港人移民 Hong Kong Pathway
加拿大新政:放寬 港人移民 申請永久居留PR申請門檻
加拿大IRCC目前正在實施多項措施,這些措施將使來自香港的國際學生(含家庭留學生) 與 還在香港的青年能夠迅速獲得Study Permit & Work Permit工簽與學簽,並開闢新途徑給香港行政區護照與BNO護照持有者申請移民PR新政策(詳見下圖)大幅降低申請永久居留權的門檻。
- 詳細法律2021年6月已公布
- 法條為香港青年提供3年工作簽證
- 資格需於過去10年內完成加拿大 or 國外的專上教育學歷。
- 其配偶或同居伴侶及子女也可以一同來加拿大。
- Open Work Permit 開放申請延長時間 ~ 2025年2月7日。
港人申請加拿大移民PR HK Pathway 政策與條件 (2擇1)
- 一年加拿大工作經驗 (Stream B) 或
- 留學生於加拿大DLI大專以上學校畢業(8~16個月) (Stream A)
為什麼加拿大接納 港人移民 ?
- 加拿大將確保這些從 Hong Kong Pathway 來定居的 港人移民 具有良好的技能和教育能力,能夠更好地融入社會並為本土經濟做出貢獻
加拿大移民部IRCC其他支持 港人移民 的措施
- 加拿大政府注意到2020年上半年的Study Permit 學簽申請有明顯增加,政府將繼續有關政策。
- 給予已抵加並以臨時身份(ETA觀光身分)的香港居民,延長居留加拿大的時間,與免申請處理費用。
- 香港簽證處將加大對Super Visa超級簽證的支援。(超級簽證是為父母和祖父母提供的簽證,允許他們獲得10年簽證,每次可停留兩年的加拿大多次入境簽證)
- 加快處理永久居留申請的速度。香港申請人可從加拿大境內申請永久居留,其配偶或同居伴侶可以申請開放工作簽證。
⭐9分鐘 超詳細解說!
從 零 開 始 到永居PR時間大解構
救生艇Stream A 與 Stream B
Stream A &Stream B 的移民資格要,申請人必須在 2 個救生艇Stream 方案下選擇一個申請,並滿足任一Stream 中的所有資格要求。
Stream A:在加拿大的畢業生
- 一個Post-Graduate Degree (例如,大學,碩士,博士)
- 一個Post-Secondary Diploma 大專文憑,是至少2年的長度
- 至少 1 年的課程的研究生Graduate Diploma或研究生證書Post-graduate credential
- 並且該計劃要求申請者具有大專學歷或文憑作為先決研究生課程條件,
- 並且他們在Graduate or Post-graduate credential 課程開始前必須已從大學或College畢業(成認加拿大境外的學歷)
- 至少50%的讀書在加拿大實際完成,無論是在課堂上還是在線上。
Stream B:加拿大1年工作經驗
⚠️ 加拿大聯邦政府宣佈取消Stream B的學歷限制,2023年8月15日生效。意味着在加拿大滿足Stream B工作條件的香港人,毋須再受「5年內在認可課程的專上院校畢業」的學歷限制,即可經Stream B申請成為永久居民。
加拿大ADM移民顧問接受 蘋果動新聞 專訪!(2021,6/23最後刊) 蘋果日報!珍重!
【加拿大救生艇】16及17年畢業生未能申請永居? 需走經驗移民或Stream A !
Stream B 工作要求:1年加拿大工作經驗
- 任何長時間離開加拿大(包括為加拿大境外雇主工作的任何時間)
- 失業時期
- 久病
- 育嬰假
- 申請中要求的所有合格工作經驗期間的雇主推薦信
- 他們的 T4 稅務信息單
- 加拿大稅務局 (CRA) 發出的評估通知副本
- 其他可能有助於證實申請人在加拿大工作經驗的文件,例如就業記錄、工作合同或工資單
香港人救生艇 香港人救生艇 港區國安法 港人移民 Hong Kong Pathway 港區國安法 港人移民 Hong Kong Pathway Stream A

OWP PLUS 2 PR Pathways (Original from IRCC website)
IRCC Hong Kong Pathway Policy: Updated June 26th
- 3 years Open Work Permit
- For those who have graduated in the past 5 years
- Permanent Resedency Pathway
- Stream A (International Students)
- Stream B (1 year Canadian Work Experience)
In addition to the current work and study opportunities for Hong Kong applicants, a new Hong Kong specific work permit program will include open work permits for a period of up to 3 years, with post-secondary education graduates in Canada or abroad completed over the last 5 years.
Registered spouses or common-law partners, as well as minor children, can also apply for a study or work permit.
Two new paths to permanent residency are being established for those who come here to either study or work, effective date will be available in June 2021
The first pathway:
Former Hong Kong residents who have obtained a minimum of 1 year of work experience in Canada and who meet other requirements, such as minimum standards of language and education.
The Second pathway:
The second route would be for those who have graduated from a Canadian post-secondary school. These students are then eligible to apply directly for permanent residency.
Principal applicants are allowed to include in-Canada spouses, partners, and dependent children in their application for all these 2 pathways.
Students Priority processing should be given to all study permit applications received from HKSAR and BNO passport holders.
Officers should process all Hong Kong study permit applications and finalize those that are for designated learning institutions (DLIs) on the list of DLIs with COVID-19 readiness plans approved by their provincial or territorial authority.
As of February 8, 2021, foreign nationals who hold either a HKSAR or BNO passport are eligible to apply for an open work permit under a 2-year temporary resident public policy exempting them from the requirements of paragraph R200(1)(c). Applicants can be residing in Canada or overseas at the time of application.
Physical Presence in Canada
The principal applicant must be physically present in Canada when they apply and when permanent residence is granted. The principal applicant must provide proof of being physically present in Canada at the time of their application.
This can include a copy of a lease or rental agreement a letter from a landlord or property owner attesting to residence and specifying dates utility bills or any other bills that contain the applicant’s residential address Intent to reside in a province or territory other than the province of Quebec To be eligible, an applicant must intend to reside as a permanent resident in a province other than Quebec.
Official Language Proficiency
The applicant must provide the results of a language test approved by IRCC that shows the applicant meets the minimum language level of 5 for each of the 4 language skill areas (listening, speaking, reading and writing) for either the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) in English The test results must be less than 2 years old on the date of application.
Eligibility requirements under Stream A and Stream B
Applicants must apply under 1 of the 2 streams and meet all eligibility requirements in either stream.
(Hong Kong Pathway) Stream A: In-Canada graduates
This stream is targeted at applicants with recent post-secondary education in Canada. Education requirements Applicants must have graduated from a designated learning institution in Canada in the 3 years before they apply with one of the following:
- a Post-Secondary Degree (for example, bachelor’s, master’s, doctorate)
- a Post-Secondary Diploma (Program that is at least 2 years in length)
- a Graduate or Post-Graduate Credential (Program that is at least 1 year in length AND the program required them to have a post-secondary degree or diploma as a prerequisite and they graduated from the post-secondary degree or diploma no more than 5 years before the start of the graduate or post-graduate program
The program of study can be completed in any field of study, with at least 50% of the program of study completed while physically present in Canada, either in class or online.
(Hong Kong Pathway) Stream B: Canadian Work Experience
This stream is targeted at applicants with post-secondary education abroad as well as with recent work experience in Canada.
Applicants have to meet both education and work experience requirements.
Education Requirement in HongKong
They must graduated in the past 5 years before they apply for the PR Stream B.
AND 1 Year Canada Work Experience
Applicants must provide an educational credential assessment (ECA) to show that their foreign degree, diploma, certificate or credential is equal to one of the above-mentioned Canadian post-secondary credentials. The ECA must be less than 5 years old on the date they apply. C
Applicants in Stream B must have accumulated 1 year (12 months) of full-time (at least 30 hours per week, or the equivalent in part-time, for a total of at least 1,560 hours) authorized Canadian work experience at any skill level within the 3 years before they apply).
Any work experience acquired during full-time studies or self-employment does not count under this public policy.
Canadian work experience does not need to be continuous to qualify, but the period of 12 months of required employment does not include any extended absence from Canada (including any time worked for an employer outside Canada) periods of unemployment prolonged sickness parental leave A reasonable period of vacation time will be counted towards meeting the work experience requirement.
香港人救生艇 香港人救生艇 港區國安法 港人移民 Hong Kong Pathway 港區國安法 港人移民 Hong Kong Pathway
Stream A 辦理成功案例
成功批獲PR|Stream A 讀書移民


🇨🇦 來自加拿大‧專辦加拿大。

🇭🇰 KEN
來 自 香 港 既 爸 爸 ,一 家 3 口 連 同 愛 犬 移 居 加 拿 大,掌 握 加 、港 兩 地 資 訊 ,為 你 同 家 人 提 供 最 佳 方 案 ,到 加 一 take 過!

擁 有 豐 富 的 加 拿 大 經 歷 、最 懂 學 生 的 需 求 !曾 為 學 簽 / 工 簽 持 有 者 、順 利 拿 楓 葉 卡 !立 即 諮 詢 了 解 加 拿 大 留 學 大 小 事 !

We're in Vancouver‧Calgary‧Toronto
🇨🇦 聯 邦 移 民 局 持 牌 顧 問 團 隊

加拿大 香港學生 留學移民懶人包
加拿大移民顧問:移民加拿大3年取永居!移民加拿大3年取永居 成本低適合40歲以下年輕人 先留學後工作單身更著數!
- 加拿大移民多倫多3年取永居 成本低!先留學後工作單身更著數 籽想旅行 果籽
- 移民加拿大 聯邦技術移民 極速取永居 Express Entry EE快速通道 一步到位 低成本 無資產要求 極速移民加拿大| 景鴻集團