ILSC語言學校 自1999年建校,已有超過將近30年業內教學經驗。校區遍布世界八個城市,在校學生來自全世界超過70個國家。校內語言課程項目選擇眾多,有超過130個不同課程供學生選擇。語言成績得到超過160個合作學校認證,畢業後無需雅思托福成績即可直接進入夢想院校。作為加拿大最大的語言學校,ILSC為學員們提供了寬敞且現代化的教學設施,悉心關懷的寄宿家庭,以及豐富的課外及旅遊活動,讓學生在學習和生活上得到最無微不至的關懷。
ILSC語言學校 提供包括ILETS、TOFEL、TOEIC及劍橋英語考試在內的許多考試準備課程。
ILSC語言學校 提供多項商業英語課程,包括企業文化,人力資源管理,面試技巧,演講技巧,行銷,商業寫作,國際商業英語等選擇,旨在提高學生專業的聽說讀寫等能力。
ILSC 語言學校 提供彈性的開學時間,除了每一期的最後一周無法註冊入學外,其他時間均可接受學生入學。
GREYSTONE College 是和 ILSC語言學校 建立合作關係的學院之一,課程安排及項目特色請參考學生導覽手冊
來 自 香 港 既 爸 爸 ,一 家 3 口 連 同 愛 犬 移 居 加 拿 大,掌 握 加 、港 兩 地 資 訊 ,為 你 同 家 人 提 供 最 佳 方 案 ,到 加 一 take 過!
擁 有 豐 富 的 加 拿 大 經 歷 、最 懂 學 生 的 需 求 !曾 為 學 簽 / 工 簽 持 有 者 、順 利 拿 楓 葉 卡 !立 即 諮 詢 了 解 加 拿 大 留 學 大 小 事 !
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.
He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes more noisy. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here.