Post-graduate VS Master 大剖析
想在加拿大留學或已經在加拿大讀完大學的你,知道什麼是 學士後課程(Post-graduate) 和 碩士(Master) 嗎?兩種之間有什麼不同?到底應該讀Post-graduate還是Master?讀那個比較適合?
有這些煩惱的你,這篇 ” Post-graduate VS Master 大剖析 ” 絕對幫助到你!很多人可能都會很困擾,Post-graduate和 Master到底有什麼不同?其實 學士後課程(Post-graduate)是一個介於學士(Undergraduate)和碩士(Master)之間 的一種課程。這個文憑都是在你已完成了大學畢業後可以繼續就讀的一個課程。而Master則是我們一般常說的研究生學位,是介於大學和博士之間的研究生學位。
If you have these troubles, this “Post-graduate VS Master Analysis” will definitely help you! Many people may be very troubled, what is the difference between Post-graduate and Master? In fact, a post-graduate course is a course between a bachelor’s degree (Undergraduate) and a master’s degree (Master). This diploma is a course you can continue after you have completed university. The Master is what we usually call a graduate degree, which is a graduate degree between a university and a doctorate.
Post-graduate VS Master 大剖析
Post-graduate VS Master 5大不同
Table of Contents
Post-graduate 學士後
Master 碩士
Post-graduate 學士後
Master 碩士
Post-graduate 學士後
Master 碩士
Post-graduate 學士後
Master 碩士
Post-graduate 學士後
Master 碩士
Post-graduate vs Master 比較表圖
加拿大ADM 總結
- Post-graduate比較適合以未來就業、留學移民為主者。想要提升就業能力、實際就業經驗的都可以選擇Post-graduate 。
- 如果是想要著重於學術、研究上的則是可以選擇讀Master。
《 加拿大ADM留學移民領導品牌 》為加拿大本地最大留學移民機構,於溫哥華 , 多倫多與卡加利均有辦事處,多倫多總部擁有50位職員,開通13國部門市場,強大移民顧問團隊,專業的簽證團隊,協助留學移民一站式服務深受業界肯定。ADM並於2020/2021年接受蘋果日報、星島日報,蘋果動新聞專訪,深受台灣人以及香港人肯定。
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⭐加拿大留學如何進行 ?⭐
🇭🇰 KEN
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(HEADING 6)Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work.
Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please.
The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it.
She failed freshman English.
Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English.
Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip.
(HEADING 6)Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work.
Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please.
The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it.
She failed freshman English.
Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English.
Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip.
(HEADING 6)Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work.
Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please.
The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it.
She failed freshman English.
Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English.
Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip.