
"August 21st, 2019"

This Day has one post.

Categories : 實用資訊


加拿大銀行如何選擇? 遊學生必備

加拿大銀行 如何選擇? 每個學生剛到加拿大第一週除了很興奮要到處探索之外,想必也有個代辦事項要完成, 其中最重要的就是到銀行開戶啦 !   五花八門的資訊, 要帶什麼文件? 學生有什麼優惠? 想辦信用卡累積信用? 不如往下與小編一探究竟 加拿大銀行 開戶需準備什麼資料? 其實並不複雜, 和台灣開新帳戶一樣, 需要雙證件來證明身分。因此, 除了正本護照之外,還需要另一份正本有效證件。例如: 國際駕照或安省認證的當地駕照 (如何換證, [2019 最新] 台灣 駕照 直接換 安大略駕照 原來這麼簡單!) 沒有駕照的學生也不用擔心,學生簽證(Study Permit) 或工作簽證(Work Permit) 也可作為第二證件。 ** 溫馨提醒, 大多銀行都有學生優惠, 記得帶上學校核可信(Letter of Acceptance)來證明你是在學學生喔!   五大 加拿大銀行 加拿大有五個主要的銀行, 分別是: BMO – Bank of Montreal (滿地可銀行): 是加拿大歷史最悠久的銀行,現時在加拿大國內和全球各地共擁有1,100多家分行。 TD Canada Trust (加拿大道明銀行):總部設立在加拿大的多倫多,是所有銀行中分行最多、營業時間最長的一家 CIBC – Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce(加拿大帝國商業銀行): 銀行業務遍布美國、加勒比海地區、亞太區和英國。 RBC – Royal Bank of Canada(加拿大皇家銀行): 是加拿大最大的銀行,有1400間分行,遍布北美和全球30多個國家 Scotiabank (豐業銀行): 加拿大豐業銀行是一家商業銀行,在全球55個國家均有業務,按市值計算,它為加拿大第三大銀行。 五大銀行特點比較, 沒有最好只有最適合   選定想要的銀行, 就可以前往開戶囉 建議可以先上網線上預約, 節省等待時間!   延伸閱讀: 加拿大學生簽證 需要哪些你知道嗎? 【加拿大海關入境】入境表格填表、電子填表APP教學 《留學加拿大》加拿大College最常見的六大問題 全都錄!!!   seo fixing Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work. Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please. The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it. She failed freshman English.Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English. Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip. seo fixing Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work. Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please. The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it. She failed freshman English.Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English. Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip. seo fixing Carla couldn’t sleep the night before her big presentation. Therefore, she needed an extra large cup of coffee before work. Jeffrey, we’ll be ready to leave for the trip in 20 minutes. In the meantime, fill up the car with gas please. The trip through the desert was long and tiring for the crew. Afterward, they all agreed it was worth it. She failed freshman English.Denise decided to stop doing her homework. Consequently, she failed freshman English. Last night, I had a vivid dream I was living in Paris. As a result, I went online and booked a trip.