
"July 14th, 2021"

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加拿大 留學 代辦 心得 相信看到這篇文章你的,對加拿大留遊學相當有興趣,但是不知道學生真實的生活體驗?也不知道學校到底如何? 今天就讓我們在多倫多ILACA學院念書的學員 Albee&Athen這對夫妻和大家聊聊 加拿大留學分享 。 I believe that after reading this article, you are quite interested in studying abroad in Canada, but do not know the real life experience of students? I don’t know what school is like. Today, Albee&athen, a couple of students at ILACA college in Toronto, would like to share with you about studying in Canada.加拿大 留學 代辦 心得 如何找到我們加拿大ADM,以及為何選擇ADM? Albee:當初會找到ADM是因為自己申請的簽證因資料不齊全而遭拒簽,在非常迫切的時間內,我上網搜尋 了5.6間代辦公司,其中2間只配合申請學校同時申請簽證,其中2間沒人接聽,最後搜尋到ADM以及 另外一間代辦,選擇ADM原因是他們在多倫多當地有辦公室,以及有持照的聯邦簽證移⺠顧問,透 過網路ADM順利幫我申請到簽證。 Athen:一年多前我的太太已成功透過ADM申請去加拿大,當時的我們還沒結婚,結婚後加上自己也想出國 進修,就找了當初幫我太太Albee申請簽證的ADM看是否有符合的需求。 – 為什麼選擇找我們代辦? Adrian有留學移⺠的經驗,他很專業的透過線上清楚分析我可以走的計畫有哪些,諮詢一週後,我 就決定採取Adrian給我的建議,申請短. 中.長期的規劃。 Albee: I found ADM because my visa application was rejected due to incomplete information. In a very urgent period of time, I searched the Internet for 5.6 agency companies, two of which only cooperated with the school to apply for the visa at the same time, and no one answered two of them. Finally, I found ADM and another agency. The reason why I chose ADM is that they have an office in Toronto and a licensed federal visa and immigration consultant. Through the Internet, ADM helped me successfully apply for my visa.加拿大 留學 代辦 心得 Athen: Over a year ago, my wife successfully applied for Canada through ADM. At that time, we were not married, and we also wanted to go abroad after marriage For further study, I went to the ADM who helped my wife Albee apply for the visa to see if there were any requirements. – Why do you choose us? Adrian has experience in overseas study and immigration, and he was very professional in clearly analyzing my available plans online. After a week of consultation, I decided to take Adrian’s advice and apply for short term. Medium and long term planning.加拿大 留學 代辦 心得 給顧問Adrian的話 Albee:雖然ADM只協助我申請簽證,但我不得不說ADM真的是我遇過最良善的一間移⺠公司,後續請教 Adrian許多問題,他總是不厭其煩的有問必答,2021/ 04 再次透過Adrian協助申請先生的學校以及 簽證,Adrian站在客戶的角度替客戶著想,分析所有的利弊以及哪一種方式對我們為最佳。非常感 謝Adrian的協助,若您在尋找一間代辦公司,我強烈推薦ADM給大家。 Athen:很感謝Adrain 的服務效率,幫助我們解決各種疑惑與狀況分析,因為對國外的不了解,所以給予我們很多方向性,減少我很多的不安定感。 Albee: Although ADM only assisted me in applying for a visa, I have to say that ADM is really the most kind immigration company I have ever met. I asked Adrian a lot of questions later, and he always answered them without any trouble. In 2021-04, I assisted Adrian in applying for his school and visa again. Adrian puts himself in the client’s shoes, analyzing all the pros and cons and which approach is best for us. Thank you very much for Adrian’s assistance. If you are looking for an agency, I strongly recommend ADM to you. Athen: Thank you very much for the service efficiency of Adrain, who helped us solve all kinds.....

加拿大留學 心路歷程 真實分享 Peter

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【 多倫多留學 】多倫多喬治布朗學院 George Brown College 畢業生 Peter 心得分享

加拿大 多倫多留學 喬治布朗 George Brown 心得分享 相信看到這篇文章你的,對加拿大留遊學相當有興趣,但是不知道學生真實的生活體驗?也不知道學校到底如何? 今天就讓我們在多倫多George Brown College念書的學員 Peter 和大家聊聊 加拿大留學分享 。 當初是怎麼來到加拿大的呢? 2018年6月打算規劃到加拿大讀書,於是乎在網路上找了很多加拿大代辦公司。當初我自己選代辦的條件很簡單,就是較多評價好的留言(網友認證)。當時,在加拿大ADM和另一間代辦公司抉擇的時候,我選擇了另一間,某代辦公司。 2019年3月飛到加拿大讀語言學校,在起初的一個月,某代辦公司會關心我的狀況,但一個月後會覺得他們是不是沒再追蹤我的狀況,變成很多事情變得是我要提醒他們。那個時候我在語言學校面臨窘境、需要轉校還有簽證的問題等等,聯絡某代辦後,他們都是給模糊不清和模稜兩可的答案,然後會演變成我自己需要當學校和某代辦中間的橋樑,甚至政府單位的很多法規都要自己查。最後,諸如此類的烏龍事件,讓我的規劃一延再延。 之後有回台灣一趟,經過朋友的推薦,加拿大ADM又重回我的腦中。有了不愉快的代辦經驗後,我抱持著可有可無的心態聯繫加拿大ADM。不過出乎我意料的是,顧問Adrian在詢問我之前的狀況,以及對未來規劃之後,他給我最直接且完善的建議。Adrian的建議本來就也在我的考量當中,他果斷地支持我的想法和給我合理的意見,而且很明顯的感受到我有被認真的對待。 In June 2018, I plan to study in Canada, so I found a lot of Canadian agency companies on the Internet. At the beginning I choose the agent’s condition is very simple, is more evaluation good message (net friend authentication). At that time, when ADM in Canada was choosing between another agency, I chose another agency, a agency. In March 2019, I flew to Canada to study in a language school. In the first month, some agency would care about my situation, but after a month, I would wonder if they had not tracked my situation any more. It became that I had to remind them of many things. At that time, I was faced with a dilemma in the language school, the need to transfer to another school, the visa problem and so on. When I contacted the agent, they gave me vague and ambiguous answers. Then it turned out that I had to act as a bridge between the school and the agent, and I even had to check many laws and regulations of the government. In the end, mistakes like these put my plans on hold. In March 2020, I will go back to Taiwan after my friend’s recommendation, and the Canadian ADM comes back to my mind. After the unpleasant agency experience, I contacted ADM Canada with a dispensable attitude. But to my surprise, the consultant Adrian gave me the most direct and perfect advice after he asked me about my previous situation and my future plan. Adrian’s advice was already part of my consideration. He firmly supported my ideas and gave me sound advice, and clearly felt that I was being taken seriously.加拿大 遊學 留學 喬治布朗 George Brown 心得 為什麼選擇找我們ADM代辦 加拿大ADM給學員最直接的建議,而且提供很好的零時差服務。學員在異鄉本來就怕孤立無助,如果代辦無法及時回你,然後再給你一個不清不楚的答案,會造成學員莫大的恐慌。加拿大ADM完全幫我解決了這個困擾,再加上他們會追蹤學員們的狀況,完全不會置之不理。 Canadian ADM gives students the most direct advice and provides very good zero-hour service. Students in a foreign land was afraid of isolation and helplessness, if the agent can not be back to you in time, and then give you an unclear answer, will cause a great panic students. The Canadian ADM has completely solved this problem for me, plus they will track the status of the students, and will not leave it alone. 給Adrian及ADM的一小段感謝話 加拿大疫情嚴峻的時候,我面臨轉校的問題,因為很多事情都一直延後,例如邊境的開放、學校的業務以及政府的作業。Adrian的服務確實讓我安心很多,很明確地感受到他有在追蹤我的狀況。而且詢問問題的過程中,也會知道是比較有組織的,會告訴學員前因後果。 我非常慶幸自己選擇加拿大ADM的幫忙,特別謝謝Adrian在疫情正嚴峻時的幫助。協助舊學校退款、新學校註冊、辦理學簽和移民資訊等等的問題。在我自己有限的資源中,總是給我最好的建議,並使我自己的資源最大化。 When the epidemic was severe in Canada, I was faced with the problem of transferring to another school, because.....

加拿大 EE移民 PR 成功心得

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【 加拿大 留學移民 成功心得 】學員 Zack 透過 EE移民 成功取得 PR

加拿大 EE移民 PR 成功心得 加拿大 EE移民 PR 成功心得 相信看到這篇文章你的,對移民加拿大相當有興趣,但是不知道真實的辦理過程?也不知道找得代辦到底如何? 今天就讓我們學員 Zack和大家聊聊他的移民過程以及我們ADM是如何幫助他成功拿到PR。 當初為什麼找移民公司辦理而不是自己辦理? Zack: 對移民不是很清楚,且當時在上班又很忙導致沒有時間去做很多功課,覺得找代辦可以省去很多不必要浪費的時間,而且很怕一個不小心被拒簽那就糟了,ADM有著豐富的經驗跟成功案例所以找他們辦理的比較放心。 I was not very clear about immigration, and I was very busy at work at that time, so I didn’t have time to do a lot of homework. I thought that finding an agent could save a lot of unnecessary waste of time, and I was afraid that if a visa was rejected accidentally, it would be terrible. Adm had rich experience and successful cases, so I felt at ease to ask them to handle it.加拿大 EE移民 PR 成功心得 加拿大 EE移民 PR 成功心得 為什麼選擇ADM辦理PR ? Zack: 我在Google上搜尋了辦理移民的代辦公司,發現在多倫多只有ADM一家台灣公司而且評價不錯,不只辦台灣人,連巴西,墨西哥,日本的留學生辦移民,我想每個國家的情況不同,ADM要面對不同國家的顧問來幫他們的學員辦理移民且成功案例多這也就代表ADM的經驗豐富可應對不同情況。 I searched on Google for immigration agency, and found that there is only one Taiwan company in Toronto, ADM, which has a good comment. It not only handles immigration for Taiwanese, but also for overseas students from Brazil, Mexico and Japan. I think the situation of each country is different. ADM has to deal with consultants from different countries to help its trainees handle immigration, and there are many successful cases, which means that ADM is experienced and can deal with different situations.加拿大 EE移民 PR 成功心得 我與ADM之間的往來心得 Zack: 我是2020年5月跟顧問Adrian聯繫,發現Adrian自己也是留學移民,對於EE細節很非常了解,後來安排我跟聯邦移民顧問Dylan諮詢移民細節,他們準備給我的check list非常詳細,還給了我很多範例,讓我省了超多時間,他們團隊裡面還有另外一個顧問Max也很有經驗,時不時會update申辦進度,讓我覺得很放心,在2021年2月時聽到申辦成功時真的很開心!! 真的很謝謝ADM的所有人,自己身邊還有同學正要申請EE,我也都跟他們推薦ADM。真的很謝謝! 加拿大 EE移民 PR 成功心得 I contacted Adrian, the consultant, in May 2020, and found that Adrian himself was also an immigrant studying abroad, so he was very familiar with EE details. Later, he arranged me to consult Dylan, the federal immigration consultant, about immigration details. They prepared a very detailed check list for me, and also gave me many examples, which saved me a lot of time. There is another consultant in their team, Max, who is also very experienced. He would update the progress of the bid from time to time, which made me feel relieved. I was really happy to hear that the bid was successful in February 2021!! I really appreciate all the people in ADM. Some of my classmates are applying for EE, and I also recommend ADM to them. Thank you very much indeed! 加拿大 EE移民 PR 成功心得 如何辦理加拿大留學移民? 1、什麼是 Express Entry  ? Express Entry(移民快速通道)是一種競爭性移民系統,將所有符合條件的候選人進行排名,然後邀請排名最高的候選人申請 加拿大永久居民身份。根據年齡,教育程度,語言能力,工作經驗和其他因素,對候選人進行排名。 2、Express Entry 是一種移民計畫嗎? Express Entry(快速通道)本身並不是一個移民計劃,而是一個由加拿大移民,難民和加拿大公民(IRCC,前身CIC)使用的系統,用於使用以下經濟移民計劃來選擇移民加拿大的候選人: * 聯邦技術工人 (FSW) * 聯邦技術貿易(FST) * 加拿大經驗類(ECE) * 省提名(PNP) 詳細認識加拿大EE快速通關移民:Express Entry (EE移民)介紹 3、留學生最常申請加拿大移民的方法? 聯邦經驗移民CEC適合近三年內至少有一年在加拿大獲得的全職的工作經驗的申請人,符合基本申請條件以後,可以直接提交申請到EE系統。 其適用對像是擁有加拿大教育背景的國際學生,以及在加拿大境內持臨時工作簽證的人士。CEC是加拿大留學生移民的主要通道,它的核心要求是:“在加拿大工作一年的經歷”。 需要注意的是,自雇和上學期間的打工不能算工作經驗。這一年的工作經驗可以是全職的,也可以是兼職工作累計成一年的。 CEC 經驗移民常見QA 1:工作可否不連續? 答案是可以的 CEC申請者跟省提名申請人相比,是相對有更多自由和話語權的,因為省提名申請人大部分需要僱主擔保實現,而CEC的申請人則只是為了積攢夠一年的相關職業工作經驗,而且必要情況下,可以選擇更換僱主。但是這不等於大家可以隨意換工作。 可以不連續是有條件的。是前後不連續的工作,必須是在一個NOC職業類別裡。不能隨意更換工作種類,而且前後不連續的工作雖然可以CEC入池,但是無法獲得加拿大境內工作加分。 2:畢業後工簽何時開始計算工作時間? 只要畢業後拿到成績單就可以開始找工作,開始工作並計算工作時間,無需等到獲得畢業工簽後再計算。所以申請人畢業前就最好開始做准備,以便畢業後盡快積累工作經驗,完美銜接,尤其是只有1年畢業工簽的申請人,時間緊迫,稍有不慎便前功盡棄。 NOC 0AB類的加拿大工作經驗1年打分就有40分,5年及以上拿滿80分。這一項是CEC加拿大經驗類申請人的核心條件,也是FSW海外技術移民申請人的最大劣勢。海外申請人即使有5年工作經驗,如無加拿大工作經驗,也只能在交叉項工作部分中獲得25分;而該申請人如獲得1年加拿大工作經驗,則不但工作板塊增加40分,同時交叉項也會增加25分,合計增加65分。 3:工作是否必須與所學相關? 3:工作是否必須與所學相關 CEC要求的加拿大境內工作只需要符合NOC 0AB的要求,而無需跟大學所學專業對口。但是如果學歷背景與職位要求相去甚遠,那就很有可能被移民局懷疑並取消資格。加拿大其實一直嚴查提供虛假job offer的僱主和以此作為跳板的申請人,所以CEC申請者最好還是根據自己所學找尋真實適合自己並可以勝任的工作。 4:CEC項目對僱主要求如何? CEC項目的僱主不需要有向申請人提供擔保的職能,這也是該項目與傳統省提名僱主擔保項目對僱主要求的最大區別之一 。CEC申請人工作僅僅是為了獲取1年以上加國0 A B類工作的工作經驗作為移民的基本盤,而非像傳統僱主擔保項目一樣,需要僱主開出job offer,在滿足所在省省提名要求的前提下擔保申請人成為永居新移民。 拿BC省為例,BCPNP 對於僱主的硬性要求是擁有5個全職雇員以上,而走CEC項目的僱主無需滿足此要求。這個區別在目前疫情下尤為顯得難能可貴, 要知道, 目前大量僱主要麼徹底關閉生意,要麼lay off員工, 很多之前滿足省提名條件的僱主疫情下變成非eligible employer。即使申請人已經拿到LMIA工簽, 為其工作中, 也無法遞交其省提名申請,而CEC項目就完美的繞開了這一點。 加拿大ADM 有合格加拿大持牌移民顧問,可以給大家最適合的留學移民建議,歡迎聯繫顧問安排一對一諮詢! https://youtu.be/D6NKcOkikGUhttps://youtu.be/ZVcBWyx39zg 延伸閱讀>>> 1.【 移民加拿大 】加拿大新制NOC-TEER水平分級.....