
"March 13th, 2023"

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【 移民加拿大 】哪些因素影響你的收入? 加拿大新移民收入調查報告

加拿大新移民收入 調查報告 加拿大新移民收入調查報告是基於2015年快速通道綜合評分系統指導調查進行的,此報告涵蓋了移民加拿大時的選擇因素和主要申請人收入。在加拿大,移民的收入主要受到以下因素的影響:前工作經驗、英語或法語熟練程度、教育水平和年齡。 The Income Survey Report for New Immigrants to Canada is based on the 2015 Express Entry Comprehensive Scoring System Guidance Survey, which covers selection factors and main applicant income when immigrating to Canada. In Canada, the income of immigrants is mainly affected by the following factors: previous work experience, English or French proficiency, education level and age.   該研究報告分析了2005年至2015年間的移民情況,以及2006年至2017年期間他們的收入水平,以及移民入境時擁有的特徵,並將時間分為三個不同的段落,包含了短期(1至2年)、中期(5至6年)和長期(10至11年)。本次研究中包含的新移民登陸時的主要特徵有: 加拿大工作經驗(與無工作經驗者相比); 是否可以使用加拿大官方語言(英語或法語); 年齡對比:年輕(25-29歲)vs年長(50-54歲); 教育水平(本科學歷VS中學學歷)。 The study analyzes immigrants from 2005 to 2015, their income levels, and the characteristics immigrants possessed when they entered the period from 2006 to 2017, and divides time into three distinct segments, including short-term (1 to 2 years), medium term (5 to 6 years) and long term (10 to 11 years).   According to the research report, the main factors and degrees that will affect the income of new immigrants include the following aspects: 1. Work experience 2. Proficiency in Canada’s official language (English or French) 3. age 4. Education level 調查報告 加拿大新移民收入 工作經驗 移民前的工作經驗是影響新移民收入的最主要因素,擁有加拿大工作經驗的人與沒有經驗的人相比收入增加了84%。 工作經驗仍然是登陸五年後最影響新移民收入的因素,每增加一年,收入就會增加52%-59%。 在登陸十年後,加拿大的工作經驗仍然是最具影響力的因素,但隨著加拿大工作經驗的增加,其影響力逐漸減少,每增加一年加拿大工作經驗,收入僅增加45%。 work experience        Pre-immigration work experience is the most important factor affecting the income of new immigrants, and those with Canadian work experience earn 84% more than those without experience.   Work experience remains the factor that most affects newcomer income five years after landing, with each additional year associated with a 52%-59% increase in earnings.   Ten years after landing, Canadian work experience is still the most influential factor, but its influence gradually decreases as Canadian work experience increases, with each additional year of Canadian work experience only increasing earnings by 45%. 新移民收入 加拿大調查報告 語言能力(英語、法語)   在短期,非英語與法語為母語之新移民收入比母語者之新移民收入低29%。 而中期,母語移民者收入相比高出42%。 最後在長期,不精通加拿大官方語言的移民收入會減少35%。 調查報告 加拿大新移民收入 年齡   年齡也是影響移民收入的重要因素,年長移民的收入比年輕移民少27%-35%。但從長期來看,年輕移民的收入比年長移民多44%。 age It is also an important factor affecting the income of immigrants. Older immigrants earn 27%-35% less than younger immigrants But in the long run, younger immigrants earned 44 percent more than older immigrants. 教育水平   有本科學歷或者15年以上教育經歷的移民在短期內可以多掙12-24%。 在中期,有本科學歷或者15年以上教育經歷的移民收入要高出14%-21%, 而在登陸十年後,有本科學歷的移民收入要高出23%。 Education level Immigrants with a bachelor’s degree or more than 15 years of educational experience can earn 12-24% more in the short term. In the medium term, the income of immigrants with a bachelor’s degree or more than 15 years of education experience is 14%-21% higher, Ten years after landing, immigrants with a bachelor’s degree earned 23 percent more. 登陸前的收入   值得注意的是,登陸前的收入也是一個重要的隱藏影響因素。研究表明,登陸前的收入比其他變數對新移民三個時期的收入影響更大。 Earnings Before Landing the It is worth noting that the income before landing is also an important hidden influencing factor. Research shows that pre-landing income has a greater impact on.....