
"April 24th, 2023"

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加拿大小費文化制度 你知道多少?

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【 加國生活 】加拿大小費文化!什麼時候給?怎麼給呢?

小費 加拿大  加拿大 是一個非常注重 小費 文化的國家,雖然並不是強制性的,但給小費已經成為了一種慣例,而且金額通常是以消費總額的百分比計算。但是小費要在 什麼情況下給? 餐廳?外帶?外送?參加旅行團及住飯店也要小費? 給多少呢? 這篇文章告訴你!  Canada is a country with a very culture-focused tipping culture. Although it is not mandatory, tipping has become a common practice, and the amount is usually calculated as a percentage of the total consumption. But under what circumstances should tips be given? Restaurant? Takeout? 餐廳 加拿大 小費 一般來說,加拿大餐廳的小費通常為消費總額的15-20%。當你在餐廳用餐時,如果你的服務態度非常好,那麼你可以給20%以上的小費;如果服務普通,就可以考慮給15%的小費。而小費給太少甚至沒給的情況下,小編聽過不少案例是被服務員追出來要小費的哦,所以如果覺得服務不好,也可以直接跟當班經理談談。 另外有一點要注意一下哦,在加拿大,有些餐廳會在帳單中自動包括小費,這被稱為「附加小費」(gratuity included)或者「自動小費」(automatic gratuity)。通常用餐人數較多時,餐廳可能會自動將小費加到帳單中,以避免出現客人未付小費的情況。自動附加小費的比例通常為 15%-18%,具體金額取決於餐廳的政策和規定。 那去餐廳外帶需要給小費嗎?其實是不用的,但如果你覺得服務員態度很好或是很喜歡這家餐廳,當然也可以給他們一些鼓勵的! Generally speaking, tipping in Canadian restaurants is usually 15-20% of the total bill. When you dine in a restaurant, if your service attitude is very good, then you can tip more than 20%; if the service is mediocre, you can consider tipping 15%. In the case of too little or no tipping, the editor has heard many cases where the waiter chased him out to ask for a tip, so if you feel that the service is not good, you can also talk to the manager on duty directly. Another thing to note is that in Canada, some restaurants will automatically include tips in the bill. This is called “gratuity included” or “automatic gratuity”. Usually when there are many diners, the restaurant may automatically add the tip to the bill to avoid the situation that the guest does not pay the tip. The percentage of automatic additional gratuity is usually 15%-18%, the specific amount depends on the policy and regulations of the restaurant. Do you need to tip when you go to a restaurant for takeout? Actually, you don’t need to, but if you think the waiter’s attitude is very good or you like this restaurant, you can of course give them some encouragement! 飯店 小費加拿大  一般來說,在退房當天早上,你可以留下每晚$2-$5的小費在桌上給服務人員,這取決於你所住的飯店等級以及你接受的服務質量。如果你需要額外的服務,例如請客房服務人員幫你送東西或者提供額外的毛巾等等,你也可以考慮給予額外的小費。 Generally speaking, on the morning of the check-out day, you can leave a tip of $2-$5 per night on the table for the service staff, depending on the level of the hotel you live in and the quality of service you receive. If you need extra service, such as asking the room service staff to deliver something for you or providing extra towels, etc., you can also consider giving extra tips. 外送員 外送員的小費金額為15%-20%,會根據送貨的距離、天氣等因素而有些不同,如果距離較遠或者當天有寒流、下雨或下雪,那可以給予多一些表示你的感激。 文化 小費 加拿大  Usually, the tip amount of the delivery staff is 15%-20%, which will vary according to the delivery distance, weather and other factors. If the distance is far away or there is a cold snap, rain or snow on the day, then you can give more to show you thanks. 司機 通常會給10%-20%,如果司機有幫你拿行李、天氣比較差或是去的地方比較偏僻遠(有可能回程時是載不到旅客的),都可以考慮多給一點哦! 在 加拿大 小費 Usually.....