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加拿大留學 冬季與秋季開學差別

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【 加拿大留學 】冬季開學與秋季開學有何區别?

加拿大 留學 入學時間 加拿大的公立學院College的課程,是近年來成為台灣 留學生熱門選擇之一。本篇文章主要告訴想要到 加拿大留學同學們,究竟 公立學院College 的開學時間是如何安排的呢? 沒辦法在台灣所熟悉的九月份秋季入學該怎麼辦?不同月份入學,對學生來說有什麼影響和差別嗎?讓我們一起來了解加拿大學院的開學資訊吧! 依照校系的不同,開學也有所不同 公立學院College開學時間 加拿大公立學院College依照學制/科系的不同,確切開學時間略有差異。開課以三個月份為主: 9月份(秋季 Fall Semester) 1月份(冬季 Winter Semester) 5月份(夏季 Summer Semester) 公立學院College學期(Semester)長度依學校不同,主要長度大約4個月,其中包含一週Reading week/Intersession Week 是不上課。(加拿大非常注重學業以及生活並重的觀念)。 什麼時候準備開始申請? 所善規劃時間 不錯失任何機會 一般建議申請加拿大公立學院college的同學至少提前6-8個月準備(包含準備簽證、入學資料、身體健檢等流程)。大部分學校網站都能查到各個科系招生狀況(是否還接受申請),通常秋季九月份是最多人想要入學的季節,有計畫在此時入學的同學們務必再提前更多遞交申請資料唷!以下時間軸提供想申請的學生作為參考! ※ 以上 College申請時間 推估是以平均計算,實際準備時間依照個人情況有所差異,立即聯絡專業加拿大ADM顧問,讓我們為您提供量身訂做的時間流程表! 依照開學時間,招生名額有所不同 注意科系明額開放時間 通常 9月份(秋季) 是各個大院校的熱門招生季,幾乎所有科系都開放9月入學,因此科系選擇也更全面!雖然秋季入學的機會較多,但熱門科系仍然非常搶手,建議同學們提前準備繳交所需資料! 留學生的福音 – 獎學金申請機會! 加拿大 留學獎學金 機會多 一般來說,加拿大各學校會提供許多獎學金申請的資訊,學生可以自行評估自己的資格遞交申請。而這些獎學金機會大多在9月秋季學期釋出,而1月冬季也有不少機會。相對5月份入學的獎學金機會略少一些。同學們還是建議以自己狀況來選擇入學時間,畢竟真的成功獎學金也並非那麼容易唷!不必覺得可惜而勉強自己選擇何時入學:) Generally speaking, Canadian schools will provide a lot of scholarship application information, and students can self-assess their eligibility and submit an application. Most of these scholarship opportunities are released in the fall semester in September, and there are also many opportunities in the winter of January. There are slightly fewer scholarship opportunities relative to the May entry. Students still suggest that you choose the time of admission according to your own situation. After all, it is not so easy to really succeed in the scholarship! Don’t feel a pity and force yourself to choose when to enroll 🙂 關於更多公立學院 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMWOcHTRmzUhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgTcAhSjvFo 關於加拿大ADM 加拿大 留學 入學時間 alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,   either (neither), not only (this) but also (that) as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,   as a matter of fact, in all honesty, and, furthermore, in addition (to this), besides (this), to tell the truth, or, in fact, actually, to say nothing of, too, let alone, much less additionally, nor,   alternatively, on the other hand, not to mention (this), indeed, further, as well (as this), either (neither) not only (this) but also (that)as well, also, moreover, what is more, as a matter of fact 延伸閱讀: 1.【 多倫多讀書 】多倫多管理學院(TSoM)商業課程 直通 尼加拉學院@多倫多校區(NCT) 2.【 免IELTS雅思入學 】ILAC 大專院校 Pathway 銜接課程 3.【 加國生活 】加拿大生活花費大解析 – 公立學校篇 4.【 讀書移民 】中年港民為全家移民而倒讀進修|一人讀書 ‧ 全家移民|救生艇Stream A 途徑