
"Vancouver Compass card"

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溫哥華交通系統 Translink 基本介紹

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【 溫哥華生活 】Compass Card 交通卡購買說明+地鐵路線介紹

選擇加拿大城市溫哥華的同學們,Translink是你每一天的好朋友,那麼當地大眾交通運輸系統是你必須要了解的,以下將為你介紹溫哥華捷運系統以及 溫哥華 Compass Card ! Translink 基本介紹 Translink 是溫哥華公共運輸管理局,負責管理溫哥華SkyTrain、公車、Seabus、大型道路、橋梁等服務。 溫哥華 Compass Card 溫哥華 Compass Card 空卡$6 (可以在Seabus、SkyTrain、West Coast Express 車站售票機 (Compass Vending Machine) 或 Stadium-China Town Sky Train Station 的 顧客服務中心購買/儲值)。 交通卡 Compass Card 種類 普通成人卡   屬於最普遍的票種,儲值使用。 優待卡   適用族群:HandyCard持有者、65歲以上、5-13歲的兒童 以及 14-18歲的學生 (需攜帶ID)。 手環式卡片  可在 Stadium-China Town Station tadium-China Town Station 或 West Coast Express 顧客服務中心購買。 Compass Card 票價 (2022.7月更新) 購買空卡須付$6,日後退卡會全額退款。 每一區 (Zone) 計費方式皆不同。 90分鐘內可免費轉乘SkyTrain、公車、Seabus,不需要付額外費用。 溫哥華內所有公車都只需支付 Zone 1 票價。 平日(星期一至五)18:30後、假日(星期六、日)整天及國定假日整天都只需支付 Zone 1 票。 Canada Line YVR機場等三站需支付額外加幣$5。 現金 Cash Fares 1 區 2 區 3 區 成人票 Adult $3.10 $4.45 $6.05 優持票 Concession $2.05 $3.05 $4.15 行動支付 Contactless Payment Fares 1 區 2 區 3 區 成人票 Adult $3.10 $4.45 $6.05 儲值卡 Stored Value 1 區 2 區 3 區 成人票 Adult $2.50 $3.65 $4.70 優持票 Concession $2.05 $3.05 $4.15 月票 Monthly Passes 1 區 2 區 3 區 成人票 Adult $102.55 $137.10 $185.20 優持票 Concession – – $58.60 Compass Card 其他常見問題 Q:購買Compass Card之後必要的步驟有哪些? A:至Compass官網註冊,輸入卡號、建立帳號密碼以及個人資料,註冊完成後可以設定綁定信用卡自動加值,或者方便以後登入直接線上儲值 Q:Compass Card 遺失或損壞怎麼辦? A:首先你需要登入Compass帳戶舉報遺失,再重新購買一張空卡,已註冊的卡片資料及餘額都可以被轉傳到新的卡片,如果卡片未註冊,將無法追回已經儲值的餘額 延伸閱讀: 1.【 多倫多生活 】大眾交通運輸TTC介紹 以及 PRESTO Card/ Post-secondary photo ID/ POP 2.【 加國生活 】加拿大生活花費大解析 – 公立學校篇 Vancouver Metro system In this paragraph, I’m going to discuss a few reasons why practice is important to mastering skills. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people will disagree. He couldn’t sleep, therefore she sang a song. In the meantime, Jerry comforted him. However, fire alarm starts. So it makes noisier. And he became anxious. But she thinks it’s fine. Also, everyone is here. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with practice is key to mastering a skill. Firstly, the only way to truly learn a skill is by actually doing what you’ll have to do in the real world. Secondly, I think practice can be a fun way of putting in the necessary hours. There are, however, some people will disagree. Thirdly, and most importantly, it is said that people tend to remember only 10-20% of what they read or hear. Moreover, that number rises to as much as 90% when you put theory to practice. In conclusion, following up explanation with.....